Saturday, November 15, 2008

Back Again

Hello all, its being ages I know and firstly let me apologise about that.
But work and all the things of life caught up with me and side tracked me into forgetting about my blog!

Well enough excuses let me tell you what's been happening.
Christmas was spent in California - AMAZING!
Was there over two weeks and saw about as much as I could, we went from the snow capped mountains down to Joshua Tree, a must for any U2 fan.
While there I had the pleasure to go snowboarding, great fun and I look forward to doing it again.

But I have to say the best part of the trip was the company, I and the lady hit it off and had great fun everyday, pretty much laughed everyday.

I have to say the worst part of the trip was coming home, 6 hours of turbulence!!!! And I was stuck in LA time for weeks after.

I forgot to mention that before Christmas the old band and its new member played one last gig! It was brilliant 'High Voltage' all the way. This has spurred us on to keep going, so we are back playing a few gigs and rehearsing, but I have to say the writing of song's is proving a tad more difficult than last time, onwards and upwards!

So after that the new year was just hell on wheels for work! It raced by.
I could not wait till May for it all to slow down again.
The highlight for me was a trip to Austria and Italy in April/May, a beautiful place, absolutely stunning, I was right up in the mountains. I could live there in a heartbeat.

Well now summers here and I feel like I'm at loose end again.
Well my new hobby is Golf, which is great 4 hours away from it all, but I suddenly have the fear it will not be enough.

PS About 2 days in bed would suit me right down to the ground!
I'm sure I'll think of some more things to say that will prick up your ears, but for the mean time bear with me, till I find my rhythm
And on that note I'll leave you with this gem!

PPS A big thank you to all the readers over the last year and a bit for all your advice and comments.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Days & Counting - Winter & I see my late come shining!

Winter is here and with it is the realism of how cold life can be and those around us. Lavish coats and the best fur hats can't keep out this factor!
I only bring this point up as someone very close to me is troubling me. The fact that they can only see me in a bad light and rarely bring any positives to my table, is seriuosly pissing me off! But I have no wish to argue!
This leads me to believe that this in one unhappy person and no matter what I do to please or avoid them something will always be an issue! So what is a good man to do?

Anywho....................whats been going on in my life of late?
Well I've spent a considerable amount of time in the air flying around europe (not fun) and working hard, trying to keep the beast off my back. The one bonus at the moment is that I have booked myself a great holiday - more details to follow!
And work it is, but I must look beyond it and see it as a means to an end! I must believe that there is something. I must act on my thoughts! I must act on my thoughts!

I have been in close contact with FBI Girl and we had the pleasure to catch the young and gifted Texan Micah P Hinson play there last week, we both agreed it was a great gig, but we we're a tad put off by the idiots in the crowd. Alas I got to meet Micah before the show so I was happy and he was a gentleman, and I wish him him all the success in his career!

So in between writing this I am packing again heading East so I best get some good nights rest (like that's ever gonna happen!)

Hope to talk soon!
So lets finish up with something warm for Winter! Again one of my fav's at the moment

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Life Coaching, Sad Songs & Thoughts

Lets face it folks, we're past day 100 and my blogging has become sparse and few and far between - I'm Now a lazy SOB!(not slob)

Anyway's I've been working hard and travelling a good bit, thus opening my eyes to the world and all its glories and woes. There are a few things I want to discuss, so let me bullet point them less I forget

- Work and the common man
- Life Coaching
- Sad Songs
- Sad Thoughts
- Holding

Now let me start with the common man. I am quite lucky in my job that entails a vast amount of travel and I end up in many far off places, now the beauty of my job is that it brings me into contact with the common man. I get to see world on a ground level, I honestly believe it's a good thing and when I'm away I try to see this side of the world, this living in a bubble, has to go!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Day 9 (Plus 20) Conforming & Cancer

Ola Bitches! Yeah Im back for another hate filled rant at the system and all it's failures to normality and us!
Rule no. 1 Do Not Wear Polo Necks In Work - We have a dress code (You don't make your own) Honestly where does this crap come from? Who stepped on individuality? That is what I have to contend with on a day to day basis, so I stand alone in a company full of clowns. Now I understand the bigotry that different races when in strange societies.(Im not saying I understand fully their plight, ie the African American in the USA, of North African in France) but society has gone mad, mad mad!
Perhaps it is where I work? They cannot change, so therefore it is I who will have to make the change!

Now admist all the bullcrap that is people crawling the ladder of self gloarification and false happiness! I met a young man (two years older than me) married and a father of two, now I see this guy every so often and he always has a big smile and amazing demeanor when I see him. So I met him yesterday and he had a shaved head an I joked with him about it, asking him was he becoming a monk of some sort?
He joked and said yes, it was not until later in the eve when it was revealed to me that he had been diagnosed with Hodgkins Disease I was so suprised to see that it had not really affected him at all (that is in front of me and others, whose to know what he is thinking)But after my meeting I walked away with a great deal of admiration for this fella.
And its a real I openenr for me, when you read the above bollox I have to deal with!

Makes me think of the days I was reading Lance Armstrongs books, I don't care what people say about him, I think he is a legend!!!

Now Im away for a week, this time heading East, hope to see you in a day or two.

I leave you a great song from a great band Talk Talk - Google them

Monday, October 6, 2008

Day 10 - Monday and I'm dreaming of you

They say distance makes the heart grow fonder................True, but at a cost, Im sad and feeling drery, motivation on this monday is lacking, in all aspects!

I know you are all asking why am I still writing and that I should be done by now, but due to circumstance's beyond my control like apathy and trying to avoid my laptop at home! I spend far to much time in front of the darn things my eyes have gone bog eyed!

The important thing is that I am happy, happy that things have worked out with certain lady, but I am holding this reletionship with kid gloves, I do not need to drop the ball! But like all things in life when you are satisfied with one thing in life, something else begins to nag! I'm sure you are all familiar with this pattern.

Wants and needs! Wants and needs to words that sum up human excistence! I want more money = I need to work more and I want to not have to work more, Catch 22! Is it bad that all I am thinking about right now is my bed? A night under the sheets........oh lord please let me sleep!

Now the last subject of my rant is today is Chillies......and the cooking of a good Chilli, Im looking to do a chilli night soon, and am looking for the best receipe of a chilli (No doubt you'll be commenting first Rob - Look forward to it)
My new thing is the best nights out are nights in with good friends!!!!!

So I leave you with thoughts of me thinking of her!!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Day 11 - Writing by candlelight on my achievements

11 Days....a lot can happen in 11 days, a lot can happen in an day, an hour or even a minute! But for now we will only deal with days. The picture I think in some ways is a symbol of my writing's and the time I spent doing this....a little bit of me feels I have aged while writing this (I know I have aged but I think you know what I mean)

A very good friend has asked me what have a learnt in over 90 days of thoughts, emotions and actions, have I become a better person, have I changed????
So now I must take a closer look at those changes and hopefully reveal a little more about my blogging adventure!

The answer, to the above questions is YES! though at a price of really putting myself through the emotional mill! I felt like a dark version of me, a darker sense in my thoughts and writings. Believe me I am not like this in person (unless you get to know me bt that person has to leave me by day 0!

My mind became a negative force in my life, blocking the sun and the positives from life and keeping me in the shade, thus in turn causing me to slip into a depression, I found hard to walk out of! Now if anyone knows of depression and it's many forms then they know of the trap that it is. Now Im not going to say I was in a serious hole,cos that would be lying! I had great friends to spport me and I was never given to long a chance to dwell on on my downs, as everyday I was running around like a loony! (Which was a good thing). One of the major things I learned where that drink and drugs did not suit! Nothing more than these two products, the latter being a dabble once in a blue moon, these two products lifted me off the ground for a brief spell and dropped me down, down, down into what was a well of despair for a few days! so now it is the drink in small dose's I deal in.

Well there is a saying (it's a tad cheesy)but it goes like this.
When your down at the very bottom there is only one way to go, Up!!

To wrap up, I would like you to watch this vid, I kinda know where he's coming from.
Though he has more money!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Day 12 - World Credit Crunch!

I really don't understand all the going's on at the moment, but it's got me nervous, very nervous! Whats going on with the world, why can't we help each other out! I wanna make moves in my career, but this credit crunch has dampened my mood. I am dreaming back to the day when I was so much younger and all that mattered was the weather! Rain we stayed in and Sun was out and about! am I getting that old that all this worries me? House kids and wife..........are these things I want? Answer, Yes!

I want to build a life, a family, a home! But at 30 is it to late? Am I letting all this talk of world economic collaspe stop those dreams? How am I to stand and fight my corner when they are 7 billion in that corner? What and who do I turn to in this time of confusion? Im afraid music may not be the answer, hiding under your bed and living on oranges may be an option! It's like David Sedaris said in his book 'Naked'
Sleep is the best thing when your broke, you forget about your hunger and your misery! - Oh Fuck!

Now I know i've been inconsistent with the blog, but come on I did well enough! So what I have decided to do is stick with the days and finish off with 12 last entry's if possible. Musically my life has been turned into Kings of Leon heaven with the new album - that keeps the depression of the current world at bay for just over 40 mins, thanks boys.

Here is to running free in our minds and to remain forever young!