Monday, October 6, 2008

Day 10 - Monday and I'm dreaming of you

They say distance makes the heart grow fonder................True, but at a cost, Im sad and feeling drery, motivation on this monday is lacking, in all aspects!

I know you are all asking why am I still writing and that I should be done by now, but due to circumstance's beyond my control like apathy and trying to avoid my laptop at home! I spend far to much time in front of the darn things my eyes have gone bog eyed!

The important thing is that I am happy, happy that things have worked out with certain lady, but I am holding this reletionship with kid gloves, I do not need to drop the ball! But like all things in life when you are satisfied with one thing in life, something else begins to nag! I'm sure you are all familiar with this pattern.

Wants and needs! Wants and needs to words that sum up human excistence! I want more money = I need to work more and I want to not have to work more, Catch 22! Is it bad that all I am thinking about right now is my bed? A night under the sheets........oh lord please let me sleep!

Now the last subject of my rant is today is Chillies......and the cooking of a good Chilli, Im looking to do a chilli night soon, and am looking for the best receipe of a chilli (No doubt you'll be commenting first Rob - Look forward to it)
My new thing is the best nights out are nights in with good friends!!!!!

So I leave you with thoughts of me thinking of her!!!!


Anonymous said...

My advice... Make the chilli the day before and let the flavours stew over night. Also, put a small amount of coco powder or dark chocolate in, magic ingredient!


Brendan said...

some pretty good advice on making chilli here ...