Saturday, October 11, 2008

Day 9 (Plus 20) Conforming & Cancer

Ola Bitches! Yeah Im back for another hate filled rant at the system and all it's failures to normality and us!
Rule no. 1 Do Not Wear Polo Necks In Work - We have a dress code (You don't make your own) Honestly where does this crap come from? Who stepped on individuality? That is what I have to contend with on a day to day basis, so I stand alone in a company full of clowns. Now I understand the bigotry that different races when in strange societies.(Im not saying I understand fully their plight, ie the African American in the USA, of North African in France) but society has gone mad, mad mad!
Perhaps it is where I work? They cannot change, so therefore it is I who will have to make the change!

Now admist all the bullcrap that is people crawling the ladder of self gloarification and false happiness! I met a young man (two years older than me) married and a father of two, now I see this guy every so often and he always has a big smile and amazing demeanor when I see him. So I met him yesterday and he had a shaved head an I joked with him about it, asking him was he becoming a monk of some sort?
He joked and said yes, it was not until later in the eve when it was revealed to me that he had been diagnosed with Hodgkins Disease I was so suprised to see that it had not really affected him at all (that is in front of me and others, whose to know what he is thinking)But after my meeting I walked away with a great deal of admiration for this fella.
And its a real I openenr for me, when you read the above bollox I have to deal with!

Makes me think of the days I was reading Lance Armstrongs books, I don't care what people say about him, I think he is a legend!!!

Now Im away for a week, this time heading East, hope to see you in a day or two.

I leave you a great song from a great band Talk Talk - Google them

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