Thursday, July 31, 2008

Day - 66 Rock n Roll

It has come to the attention of my good friend FBI Girl that I have been doing the opposite in my blog instead of finding enlightenment and happiness I have been sinking in a quagmire of depression! Now who the fuck wants to read about my lack of happiness? not many of you I can bet, my profile views says enough.

So the pictue above represents a part of who I am, I am a happy go lucky Son of Bitch! I love to rock out, drink and be a rude hip shaking motherfucker!
Yeah I got attitude, bags of it! Why today I was probably on the biggest sugar rush of my life, thanks fruit pastilles!
So fuck this remorse for life and lets get fucked on that note, drugs don't suit me. As you can imagine the come down is bananas! I am like the anti christ, so cut that shit right out.
I actually can't beleive I have never mentioned this band in all my time blogging.My favourite band of all time, thanks to those who introduced them to me.


If these guys don't turn you on back to the nunnery!
Now Im gonna go load up the ipod full of anarchy and hit the road.

I love you all, I really do
So Jump, Jive and Wail!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Day 67 - Self Loathing

I am becoming someone I hate, I am spinning outta control. The only normality comes when I am alone locked away reading. I honestly don't know what's going on in my head! I really don't! How does one fall away, from being a good person to one who just see's wrong and negatives in everything? Now I do know myself that this is phase, yet this phase has gone on to long. What do you do to combat the tide of hate rising? Go out wipe on that fake smile laugh and joke with people you find you have nothing in common with? no no no!

I have to find my porpoise! So it's down to the sea with me! Let me drown in it's calmness

Well it's off to bed with me, the rain is falling again, the sun and warmth we have had has gone replaced by a muggyness like everything here caught in the middle hot wet or dull and wet. I know what a sweet spot I live in for the weather.
I go to bed on a stomach of popcorn, back again from 'The Dark Knight' great movie, really enjoyed it, but spoiled it with the dehydration I felt from the popcorn, ha ha!

Just to let you all know I have turned my comments radar open to all so look forward, to hearing what you have to say, I'm sure I can take it.


Music today is sweet IAMX............... helps you feel good about yourself!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Day 68 - Addition

Please follow this link for help if you need it with your anger!

Day 68 - Anger

I know some of you will find the picture amusing, if only I did right now. Today, Today, Today....Started like all others, nothing major, but after a hard day of training, I feel like a caged animal and am filled with a calm rage, at what you ask. Anger at myself for been weak and not following through on previous projects, I should be more resourceful! And having to deal with serious FuckWits all day! I am not, repeat Going Postal!!!!!

Just have a few things I need to iron out as FBI girl says. Now I know I've being quiet on the music front but with a little help from FBI girl she put me on to these boys and girls British Sea Power Waving flags works for me.

While swimming in their sea I came across these lovely lads something to chill me in my mad mood oh and boy do they work!

Now Im going to bed as I have to give some Twat a lift at 3 in the morn!

Pray for me and you to!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Day 69 - Honesty to Yourself

Have you read the Bible, or heard the good stories? How about the one where Moses's mum release's him off into the Nile onto what she could hope for was a better life? Well its a good one check it out, The Bible, Old Testament.

Well today I trying to figure out what Im holding onto? Reletionships, Jobs, Family and friends? How do we just let go? how do we brush it those things out of our minds?
We all know that those involved in our troubles would want us to be happy and free and move along in our life's. But these manouvers take the abilty to make decisions, ones that scare us. Do we forget about our deceased loved one's ex girlfriends the terrible job that gives some form of meaningless security, can we leave our family and friends behind for greener pastures? Can we let go of the things that hold us back!

Can we become unchained to the normality of life and its sweet teat?

I want to sail down the Nile, let the currents take me, fill my head with the best uplifting music and sail away!

Can I do it....................................................
I'm afraid. Afraid of What?
I don't know, is it my age that holds me back, before when I was younger I would be gone like a shot, but now all I have is hesitation! When did that creep in?
I want rid of it!
How is all I ask, How!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day 71 - 70 Beach & Bed

Well what can I say I have spent the whole day in Bed, complete waste of a day, one decision I'm not happy with,
This was due to overdoing it at a party last night. My father always said 'everytime you get drunk, you loose a day' Bang on the money!

The day before was quite refreshing as I went for a long drive down to the beach, to a place i went to when we were kids. Brought back a lot of memories, of the good ol days, and if I had the chance I'd go back in a heartbeat.

My room is really warm! Im sweating away here, I have the window open but there is no cool breeze, I am not happy!

Good night all

Friday, July 25, 2008

Day 72 - Sadness

By body aches from Sadness, can't figure it out, it's like its ebbing from all my pores.........There is a feeling I should be so happy, all to live for, but yet what is the problem? Damn music sinks my soul! No matter what I listen to say happy beats, I feel guilty for being happy! That surely is a problem!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Day 73 - The Dreyfuss Affair

Sweet God strike me down, the clock watching in the office is killing me! The picture to the left is of an old French Officer called Alfred Dreyfuss He was an honest French military officer, sentenced for treason under false pretence's and bumbling by the then french military. He got done a very very bad deal.

Anywho thats how I feel sometimes with love! A nice person getting a raw deal, a real pain in the you know what!
Just back from band practise so am shattered so must hit the hay, but have a look at the dreyfuss link, your learn a thing or two about a thing or two.

I leave you this eve with the link to my most played song on my ipod!) is that a bad thing?

My Chemical Romance.......Ghost of you (You'll like it even though you hate the band)

Day 74 - Two Turkey's

Was another quiet day in the office, but the monotony was broken by the lunch time bowling. Now a weekly fixture. I got my first Turkey - Three strikes bowled consecutively are known as a "turkey" or "triple." So that was an achievment!

So that evening I again headed for the oiled and polished lanes, as a previous bowling challenge had to go answered. I then proceeded to score my personel best 148 (I'm only new to the game) and score another Turkey!

I know what your thinking, but hey everyone needs several hobbies!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Day 75 - End Note

Twas a long day, glad it's over so I can begin all over again to tomorrow! Back in pre season training this evening for the up and coming football season and that was hard! But worth it, well worth it. So as I sit here and listen to Telepopmusik (see below) I think about the walk I just took around the neighbourhood. I live near the sea and the smell was hanging in the air, along with the warmth of the eveing it reminded me of my times away on the
Med sea, oh to be there now.

Music is my transporter, reminds me of all the good things in my life (and the bad things) but the positive's will always out weigh the negatives. I think I'll take the car down to the country this weekend, and drive to the sea, sit on a beach for a time with a fully charged Ipod and a tuna sandwhich. Heaven.

I don't know what it is but when Im on a beach or near the sea I'm a happier person, oh the thought of been land locked! I'd pine for the sea like a madman, well it's lucky I live near the sea then, not that I haven't cracked up already.

As I bid you goodnight I pray I don't have any nightmares, I've been having a few of late, so much that they wake me in the middle of the night, with me questioning was it real or not.
Sleep now. Beach here I come..............................................................

Thanks for reading

Day 75 - Work, Chat and Dance

The air is thick today, the clouds hang heavy and its warm, not crazy warm, but enough for people to comment on it! If they were in New York they'd know about it. Was in work on time - Thank Christ! I hate the way the other people give you that look, like oh late again, F*** OFF! and mind your own business, I was up all night reading the how to be a nice person book!

Thought I'd get in early with the blog as there is loads running round my on (there will be an add on later)

So anyways Im kinda excited because I've been having a a great conversation with my good friend FBI Girl (see my favourite blogs) and we've been banging on about music all morning and afternoon. Great for passing the time at work, but to be honest I've been working to which is good! Not lazing about,thank you very Much!

Well lets get straight to the music,

Friendly Fires...........................................Listen to them in Paris

Portico Quartet.........................................Like a Nolte & Murphy movie, Class

Telepopmusik............................................Floating and dancing at the same time, Love it!

Nizlopi.........................................................Great voice, really great voice!

Now there is a little something there for everyone so enjoy, and I'll talk to you all later tonight
PS Please leave comments as I would like to know what you think about my musical choices and thoughts

Monday, July 21, 2008

Day 76 - Motivation needed - badly

Work was again a slow slow death, the motivation has truly left me!
I dream of being the Outlaw Josey Wales 'a man who lives by the gun, he lives by his word and lives for revenge!'
He kept life simple. I want that!
Now another late night for me
Music today is from this fella, enjoy!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Days 79,78 & 77 Choices and having the balls to make them

Apologies in the delay, readers, but technical problems halted Fridays and Saturdays blogs, but in truth not a lot to discuss.
A waiting for Death cricket match on Friday was caught out for 1 run, disgusted with myself! Few drinks over the weekend and that was it, good bbq today with the family today which was good as its not very often we all get together.

I had a good chat with a friend yesterday, now I can't really go into great detail about the conversation, but what it got me thinking about is the subject of choice's, and the pro's and con's it plays on us, and how we deal with them and how they effect the others around us.

Choice consists of the mental process of thinking involved with the process of judging the merits of multiple s and ing one of them for action. Some simple examples include deciding whether to get up in the morning or go back to sleep, or selecting a given route for a journey. ...

I myself have always been one to just forge ahead and go with my gut instict. I just find it funny and also sad about the pain we put ourseleves through when making desicions and choices - ie I should not have put that 1000 lava hot sauce on my burger! We will regret that for some time, yet in reletionships the choices we make hover and hang with us and will always stay no matter what the out come. I guess you could say what I'm also talking about is memories and how they then impare our decisions. Long and short of it I have a few decisions to make and have to stop procrastinating! Lord give me the strength!

Enough of that I'm rambling on. Need to find something solid to write about!
Need a fucking Hobby! need to be busy, when I'm bored I think to fucking much!

Well with any luck I'll have a positive and eventful week, nothing to scary though!

Music this week: Something for everyone!
Jamie Lidell..................................................Soulful and uplifting

Lifehouse......................................................Dawson's Creek Stuff (it's memory music ok!)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Day 80 - Feng Shui & Laundry

Feng Shui :Many modern enthusiasts claim that feng shui is the practice of arranging objects (such as furniture) to help people achieve their goals. More traditionally, feng shui is important in choosing a place to live and finding a burial site, along with agricultural planning.

Now the reason for this is I have some sort of belief in this ancient far eastern belief. My life is a little disjointed right now, my room speaks volumes about my life right now, a bombsite! Also my laundry basket is full to the brim, I need to sort this mess out. It's amazing what a clean house will do for your spirits!

Hence the Feng Shui.

Well we (the band) had a great Jam/rehersal tonight. It's always good to come out of the music rooms with a positive feeling, now it doesn't happen every day. But hey we try.
Speaking of positive vibes check this always works for me.

Hard to believe I've been writing this for 20 days now, proud of myself, and I hope you are all enjoying it (all 5 of you), its getting late and I was well late for work this morning can't have that, as I am trying to keep my head down, it can get crazy in there.

Well I got a real treat for you in the music dept today!
Be sure to go to the link this fella is talented and the fun you have listening is great! Pick out those songs kids!
Girl Talk..................................delicious Dolly mixture

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Day 81 - Success

Success behind the wheel! Passed my driving test today, get in! First time aswell and off the back of the USA so Im well chuffed!

Not a lot going on, just back trying to get myself back on euro time so rest that is needed is still avaiding me! Never a quiet moment. So let me tell you a little bit more about me, I was in a band a while back, we weren't the worst, just good fun on the stage and we did our best to entertain, punters pay money for this so we obliged!

Well the guitarist left, so we hit limbo for a while, which kinda sucked as I always thought we had something, not major record deals or anything, but enough to make music and play gigs which was the highlight. So anyway we have decided to reform with a new guitarist, who may I add is a splendid chap. At the moment were just jamming out but there is something there so we're gonna keep chipping away. We wanna hit back and cos Hiroshima stage shows! So stayed tuned!

Work was a hoot.............I lie! Nothing there to say, my brother who lives overseas came home today for a while so it was good to see him, and he did his usual where he regaled us all on his funny stories, if only I can remember them!

While home now I am brought to earth with the bombsite that is my room! Books, clothes and other assorted goods litter the floor and walls, no time to clean, never anytime! Just need to throw a lot of things out, my God how I hoard, we all do it! Why hold onto all that shit? I keep getting rid of stuff but it seems to bomerang back into my life! The picture on the left is nothing like my room, but I can dream! No one will ever take my dreams!

So any plans for the weekend? No not of yet unless I can get a lot out of magic beans!

I forgot to throw in some music of late, so I thought I'd give you a pre-cursor or a small taste of what our stage precense is like!

At the drive in.....................................Stand aside flying guitars coming through!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Day 82 - End of the trip!

Its late I can't sleep, so I turned to the movies to keep me going (Though I should sleep) I wanna watch this movie just to relive some of those Manhattan moments!
I do love this movie, guess I'm living it now.

Good Night Talk to you all tomorrow!

Day 82 - Return to Ground Hog Day

I waved goodbye to Long Island, New York, leafy suburbs and found that sickness was paramount! The fun of America was disapating like low clouds been burned away by the morning sun. The splendor of the I 95 (North & South) will be gone, replaced by our mediocre roadways, she will have to wait another year (perhaps). Leaving time came as my bank balance drew to a close, just as well!
One of the conclusions I have come to beleive (taken from the movie Peaceful Warrior - give it a miss) is that in 'life the fun is in the Journey, and not the destination'

So what I'm saying is that the build up to the trip was brilliant, the time there great, but I felt I did not have enough time there to experience all that was New York City. I will go back there that is for sure.

In my mind its like I had met Pocahantas and had a wonderful time, but now was returning to the evils of Ancient Rome, throw away my Toga, give me my Moccasin and run into the Wild!

There is something I wanted while I was here (like in picture) was a kiss with a lovely lady from New York, but alas my romantic thoughts went unanswered!

The plane journey was the ususal affair, I did not sleep = body clock all over the place!

So long sunny USA - RAW V8 POWER

Music this week comes from an Jumpy lot
Supagroup.........................................................Real Rock n Roll Maddness!

I've added a vid of my travels in the guise of a big American Truck, Im fasinated by them!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Day 83 - A long departure!

So Im a bit early but I thought it best to write something as I am leaving Rhode Island today and heading for Long Island New York and I don't know when I'll be next able to blog.

Its been a strange 2 weeks as the trip has had its ups and downs, met some great people and missed some great people to.
I will return to the hum drum on Wednesday (Can't wait) I wanted this trip to be an amazing experience but alas i will have to try again.
I must go as my cab is waiting!
Love you all (all 5 readers)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Day 85 & 84 Plus Plus Plus

Now that I have access to the internet I can't seem to stop writing but hey no probs as most of you are asleep and will take great joy in waking up to a new entry (I wish)

Anywho, have you ever seen a real life firefly? well if not they are a wonder to watch, a little blink of aluminous in the night sky. Where I am staying there are loads and i sit across from where they hang out (cos thats what they do) and just watch them flick in and out, brilliant stuff! Also near their home I saw Racoons for the first time! Three of them, It reminded me of the cartoon 'The Racoons' they were the good old days................Am I really that old?

Well I had a pleasent suprise when visiting Newport, RI (Well I was surprised) I was in a souvenir/record shop that was playing Fleet Foxes, delighted I was, anywho they tell there that the lads are getting plenty of airplay so lets hope they keep it up.

Its what Im listening to know and I love it Love it! And worst of all they play Boston the day I leave for back home and that was a gig I reckon I could have made.

Its late now and Im tired, I would love to talk more but sometimes the fact thats it me talking brings me down, I need communication with others not just myself!

Well as I scratch my head and think of things to type I have noticed I have burnt the top of my head......Ouch!

As my head touches the pillow I will attempt to think of things that will lift my spirits...................

Good Night from Rhode Island and God Bless

Day 85 & 84 (Addition)

Never a truer word spoken! So I manged to piss off a good friend of mine, who you can tell is a lady, oh Jesus, if things couldn't get any worse! All done through the medium of Text messages! How Fucking dumb am I????

Please put me out of my misery! and while your at it tell me where Shangri la is................................

So I mean it this time soon as I get home I am laying low, I'll be living with the moles, in the darkness comes happiness? did I just make that up!
I am loosing the plot..........the fear deep in me about returning back to the hum drum life, oh its not easy. I need options and I need them fast so lets have a quick look when I get back to it!
Although at this stage of my life the French Foreign legion looks a option.
PS going crazy here cos I can't listen to Modest mouse float on!

Day 85 & 84 Nothing ever happens

What happens in space? do things just float around aimlessly? I don't know and I don't seem to care, right now all thats appealing is a bed and a Rip Van Winkle episode, gimme something to look forward to! What would the world look like in 100 years? here is an interesting website I stumbled upon when thinking of the 100 years.

Any who enough of my ramblings, not a lot to discuss at present only that my short stay along the upper eastern side of America is coming to an end, my only regret is that I did not spend enough time in Manhattan! But I'm sure I will be given another chance.

The one thing I like about being away is the not knowing whats going on at home buzz, but when you do ask its always 'Same ol Same ol' God I love home!

So I am not going to continue saying or typing anything when there is nothing to say or type, so perhaps I will have an add on later in the day!

I was played a song a couple of years ago and I can safely say it does wonders to lift my spirits, Modest Mouse, Float on!

Modest Mouse...............................Happy times

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Day 86 - Continuation

Sorry about the interuptions...............
So where was I? New York City! ok so I'm heading back to where I am staying in Long Island, it's a two hour train ride.........I hate that America is so big!

Its packed but Im happy my Ipod still has life in it, and I'd purchased the book 'Fight Club' to read, seeking inspiration in all the wrong place's, but Im a firm believer in it's teachings (is that why i bought a new pair of Nikes????)

Across the train from me is a woman, she seems nice probably late 40's/ early 50's she is working away on some notepad, keeping herself busy. After a while she opens up her handbag and proceeds to pull out loads and I mean loads of scratch cards. She then goes about the business of rubbing away the silver foil in hope of a win. No luck as I don't see her jumping out of her seat, but admist all the weariness of New York I say a prayer in my head that she will win! Can one person smile on this train!

I forgot to mention earlier in the day, I took a train from Rhode Island to NYC and with this I crossed over the Mystic river, and that brought about many memories of days and years before! Just like the van morrisson song

We were born before the wind
Also younger than the sun
Ere the bonnie boat was won as we sailed into the mystic
Hark, now hear the sailors cry
Smell the sea and feel the sky
Let your soul and spirit fly into the mystic
And when that fog horn blows I will be coming home
And when that fog horn blows I want to hear it
I dont have to fear itI want to rock your gypsy soul
Just like way back in the days of old
Then magnificently we will float into the mystic
And when that fog horn blows you know I will be coming home
And when thst fog horn whistle blows I got to hear it
I dont have to fear it
I want to rock your gypsy soul
Just like way back in the days of old
And together we will float into the mystic
Come on girl...

So thats the kind of mood I'm in, wishful soulful thinking of a better day.
I really want to write positive stuff I really do but I am not in that frame of mind.
I must be a walking disaster!
So music today is Van the man!
Van Morrison..................................Old lonely road music, forget Brown eyed girl!

Day 86 - Continuation

Sorry about that, I keep getting interupted and its not easy to keep the blog going when my computer does not work, so I have to borrow someone else's or hit the internet cafe's!
So where was I..............New York!

Day 86 - How big is the Met!

Well the days are rolling by here as the tempretures get higher and higher!
I spent the day at the Met Museum of Art, what a place massive really really big! there were fantastic pieces of art there and so much to see I think you'd have to spend a couple of days there. I did catch the Superhero exhibition which was fun, If your there check it out!

I think the funny thing was asking two police officers where the met was and they did not know, i had a bad feeling at that point! But i was heading in the right direction and found it.
Afterwards I strolled through central park and took in the boathouse and a gentleman playing his Tuba - I kid you not! then it was onwards up to 5th avenue for some shopping (who am I kidding) but all the same great to see, Central station was a fun spot, just sitting there remembering the scene from the Fisher King everyone dancing, I prayed that would happen (unanswered) Oh I forgot Sachhs of 5th ave - overratted and over priced! after that i continued you my walk across New York


I will finsih blog later

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Day 87 Boozing and talking

So I had an interesting night discussing the in's and out's of the english we speak. And how the American english is so different! where did they come up with some of their crap? though right now examples escape me. Sorry.

As always I am pressed for time on this blog, but the weather is good so that means I'm all right which is happy days for all.

Now right now I want some retail therapy shops here I come.

I will write later on but here is my music taste for today

The Vines.....................Aussie Plant life thats solid!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Day 89 and 88 (addition)

I am lonely very lonely, and I look and seek comfort in all the wrong places!

The search continues...........................
See you tomorrow, I hope!

Day 89 and 88

So two days have passed and I have been quiet, I have to apologise as I can't get access to the internet, which is pretty bad, as I am suffering serious withdrawl! No fun I tell you!
Damn you internet!

Well whats been going on? I have been visiting the beauty that is Long Island New York, a very nice place old wood buildings and ports quite scenic! But I still pine for Manhattan, so I am planning another trip down (As I am now based in Rhode Island for a few days visiting friends)

I have to say one thing the night life I have experienced in the US has been boring!
Crap R&B music with everyone leering at each other! Real cattle mart mentality! So perhaps a few nights in the village would solve that! But I doubt that will happen.

So I am planning a little trip up to Newport Rhode Island to see it for all its worth.
Its at times like this that I wish that I didn't travel on my own!

Next trip is Italy...........any takers?

Music today comes from the USA so enjoy

Cage the Elephant.........................................Rock n Roll with teeth!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Day 90

New York City, so big they named it twice! Wow! I remember walking out of Pen station and just been met by noise and heat, what a place, my friends here said I was just walking around with my mouth open. I was lucky to have one of the lads gimme a brief tour, so I saw a few of New Yorks landmarks!
Well the 4th of July see's everyone leavin NYC for the weekend so it was quiet (although how would I know).

So let me step off the tourism bus here for a second and discuss the American dating or men/women situation.

Holy Moly, I have never seen something more aggresive, it really is Hunter, hunted stuff. Talk to as many women as you can and one will bite and then I think you can all gather the rest! After a little search on the net (first hit) I found this article please read. But throughthat I found this somewhat nervey website hillarious, but you may find some pearls there, but beware. Make up your own mind.

So here I am alone in New York and her boroughs and all should be great, but there is something nagging in my head! I don't know what it is! Is New York all and more perhaps? I can say this much I would love to live in this city for a while just to emerse myself in the madness of constant police sirens!

Its early again here, my body clock is still all over the place so after a mere 6 hours sleep I am alert and ready for battle, so I turn to my music to calm me down and send me back to sleep, so I turn to music and search for something to relax my soul before I rush off to the American dinners for a massive 4000 calorie breakfast!

First up, a gentleman I saw live about 6 years ago and after that I never paid much attention but it now seems this fella has hit the big time!

Josh Ritter...................................................Bob? Well sort of but not really, but he's good!

Now Im not one for believing the hype, but I do like this lot
Pavillion.......................................................New, and have something (Hard work)

Finally something different.
I had the pleasure of attending the Comedy Cellar last night in Greenwhich Village and saw a comedian who had, for me a fresh and cynical outlook on life and he in turn struck a chord with me. His name? Nick Griffin, check out his site. A funny funny man

Friday, July 4, 2008

Day 91 (Music addition)

Forgot about the music addition!
Because Im in the USA the Rap has been blasting, but I like my stuff easy and rythmic

Slakah the Beatchild............................Liquid Music for you and the lady, lets play!

Day 91 (Sublimental)

After reading FBI Girls blog I can only say I completley agree with her about the pre blog note taking initiative. For myself its like my thoughts coming flashing to and fro and I stop and go that would be brilliant for my blog, and then I go and forget!

I have something to say, and I should be honest, thats why I am writing this blog. I felt some heartpangs when I was arriving in NYC, like something was missing, the moment of sharing something special with someone, just like the arrival. It would have been nice to have some company!

I am fed up with having all these memories and no one to share them with, thus bringing me to the conclusion that we all want partners. Like the poem by John Donne - No man is an Island have a read and let me know what you think. But then the other hand is do we make the mistake of interpeting Dependecy as Love??? I had a friend put it to me this way : We we're ok when we were on our own, but when we break up with someone we feel that life can't go on! But hold on, we did ok before we in a reletionship, so the message is stay Strong and ride it out!

Well it's early here, I woke up and have been alert whilst everone sleeps so I'm gonna head off and take in some atlantic air!

Till later peace from Long Island!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Day 91 - New York (State)

So after a very long long flight I finally landed in New York, twas a strange feeling, looking at New york City in the distance it was sureal, I was expecting Godzilla to make an apperance and tear it up! After I landed the smell of America hit me, I don't know what it is but it has a certain smell I don't know what it is............but its there!

So after my breif intro to New York air (Hot Hot Hot) we my buddy Tony (not his real name) set of for Long Island, well beaches galore galore, and wind also! so I dumped the bags and hit the beach, nice ly down in the hot sun and a saunter down the town. There is nothing like the sun to blow away the blues and forget all your troubles.

Again I have to be brief but its hilarious here all the blokes are like serious body builders!

So I have attached a photo I took of a few fellas I met on the beach (Enjoy ladies)

Ok Im gonna wrap up as the beers are getting warm!

I've included a local band in todays blog so make out what you will
Mouth of Wilson...................................Unknow!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Day 92 - Ready for the Movie set?

A mere hours away from departure and some form of nerves are kicking in, though I feel I have quelled them with a bit of Bon Iver,

I had a million things to say tonight, but I've now forgotten, F***!

Well its my first trip to the big Apple so as you've guessed I'm excited, what do I expect? To fit in like a glove!

I'll blend in like you would not believe.

I have not given my thoughts to much attention as I have been preoccupied with the Holiday.

I did go out this evening, which was good fun, but my advice is always say nothing!
But look I'll talk to you all tomorrow, I promise to do my best and keep my blog up to date!

Music today will be limited to this
Google Thin Lizzy (No Regrets)
M83.....................................Like a dessert that you don't really want but eat anyway!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day 93 - Adrift?

A week in and further from the shore? what does it mean to be adrift? aimlessly drifting
floating freely; not anchored; "the boat wasset adrift"
off course,

wandering aimlessly; "there was a search for beauty that had somehow gone adrift"

Now I'll think hard and pray that this is not my situation in life, I (we) have a purpose, so it's taking a little longer to figure out, then thats ok in my book. You never know really, If I think about it perhaps I like it out here and have dropped anchor!

So the pace picks up for NYC was busy packing tonight, everything but the kitchen sink! But excited none the less my itinerary is pretty jam packed, which is excellent! So as ever keep up with the blog to read the goings on.

Work as ever has been something of a slow death, and if there is one thing I hate is to much time to think, literally a passport of death for me! You mull over everything, everything! How the F*** do you switch the mind off? (Answers in your comments) Oh I know what you'll say - keep yourself busy etc etc. I am trying, and in this process the reminants of an old band have reformed, which to me is great as I believe we had something if not a great laugh whilst doing it.

Now the new setup brings a new sound to which I am welcome so as soon as we have something noteworthy I let you know. Gigs for me was always the highlight of playing music, the energy from the performance was something else,
been a while since I experienced that.
Letting youself go on stage oh the fun!
Now I won't lie to you twas to about
150 max at one stage (maybe more)
but something i've done - Dancing the night away!
Music wise today hmmmm been a strange one, been busy in the office so that has kinda limited me to the pleasures of trawling through music and chatting to FBI Girl, but thats not to say I have no tastey treats for you, it just means I have been a bit more frugal today with my music.
These boys are tickling my fancy mainly cos I'm loving everthing acoustic today
Yeti..............................Easy like your mum!
Then lets get old skool old old skool - Love this shit I really do, sucker for it!
Aceswild....................Dance, twist and shout! don't forget the brlycreem